In a vale of light and laughter, Shining 'neath the friendly sun,
Where fulfilment follow'd after Ev'ry hope or dream begun;
Where an Aidenn gay and glorious, Beckon'd down the winsome way;
There my soul, o'er pain victorious, Laugh'd and lingered -
Green and narrow was my valley, Temper'd with a verdant shade;
Sun deck'd brooklets musically Sparkled thro' each glorious glade;
And at night the stars serenely Glow'd betwixt the boughs
o'erhead, While Astarte, calm and queenly, Floods of fairy
radiance shed.
There amid the tinted bowers, Raptur'd with the opiate spell Of
the grasses, ferns and flowers, Poppy, Phlox and Pimpernel, Long I
lay, entranc'd and dreaming, Pleas'd with Nature's bounteous store,
Till I mark'd the shaded gleaming Of the sky, and yearn'd for
Eagerly the branches tearing, Clear'd I all the space above,
Till the bolder gaze, high faring, Scann'd the naked skies of
Jove; Deeps unguess'd now shone before me, Splendid beam'd the
solar car; Wings of fervid fancy bore me Out beyond the farthest
Reaching, gasping, wishing, longing For the pageant brought to
sight, Vain I watch'd the gold orbs thronging Round the celestial
poles of light. Madly on a moonbeam ladder Heav'ns abyss I sought
to scale, Ever wiser, ever sadder, As the fruitless task would
Then, with futile striving sated, Veer'd my soul to earth again,
Well content that I was fated For a fair, yet low domain;
Pleasing thoughts of glad tomorrows, Like the blissful moments
past, Lull'd to rest my transient sorrows, Stil'd my godless greed
at last.
But my downward glance, returning, Shrank in fright from what it
spy'd; Slopes in hideous torment burning, Terror in the brooklet's
tide: For the dell, of shade denuded By my desecrating hand,
'Neath the bare sky blaz'd and brooded As a lost, accursed land.